Bang, Zang, Tang, Done

Yes, Still Macro-ing

Thanks everyone for reading! I didn’t realize how much you would all like to know what’s going on!

When I started work this morning, we were harvesting lettuce in the fields. Gregor, who speaks very broken English was showing me how to do it, cutting the lettuce at the root, “Bang, zang, tang, done. See? You do.” hahaha I was cracking up. After that I spent a few hours picking tomatoes, I was in there alone most of the time, so I sang many a show tune, ones that I haven’t even thought about in so long and I shocked myself at how many words I remembered!

This is where the tomatoes, cucumbers, basil and many others live.

The rest of the day was spend in the shed/warehouse preparing the veggies for the market. I weighed, cleaned, tied, bagged, cut about a bagillion edibles today. Carrots, lettuce, onions, leeks,  CRAZY awesome! At lunch today I grabbed a bag of lettuce that I’d just made up and some other fresh veggies and made a huge salad, I’m loving the freshness of all of this food! It’s so cool to cut your lettuce off the field and then eat for lunch hours later!

I’m actually loving the work so far. I’m not gonna lie, I was one sore bugger this morning, but it was a good sore. I forgot how much I loved the feeling of getting home after work and feeling accomplished and genuinely tired. Not too tired just like I’d put in a good day of work.

After work, I went to take a shower and a VERY large spider fell out of my jeans, so note to self – Shake All Clothes Well Before Putting On! I wish someone could have seen the masterful way I figured out how to get the spider out of the bathroom so I could take my shower in peace, it was quite the scene.

It looks like I’ll be seeing some ruins and old ass buildings this weekend, I’m super pumped about that! I learned that apparently they don’t call Gaelic, Gaelic anymore, they just call it Irish! Good to know.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Stella says:

    Hey Shanny Girl. LMAO lol
    Luv luv luv…..wish I were there with you pickin whatever….You sound so happy and free.
    You are living and experiencing life as God so intended! You dear shannon are living up to the meaning of your name…”little old wise one”
    Can’t wait to know where or what your next venture in life will be! PLEASE…no Bullfighting! LMAO lol
    Sending you good wishes and sooo much love…
    from me “Stella” (Mrs.Cap) oxoxox


    1. Shannon says:

      Stellllaaaa!!!!! Thanks for reading!!!:)

      I love-a, love-a, love-a! Thanks for the kind words! I’m living it up to the best of my ability for sure!



  2. Eileen Webb says:

    Hi Shannon,
    you have a gift!! You blogs are awesome. Makes want to sign up and book a flight.
    Julia And Julia gas nothing on you. Keep them coming!


  3. dad says:

    Hi Shanaroo, I am so happy you are having fun and learning so much. You are making me hungry talking about all of those fresh veggies. I look forward to your daily updates. I love you baby, be safe:)


  4. Mom and Dad says:

    Shan, your blogs are hilarious! It’s like getting a present every day around 230 our time:) I am so glad you are enjoying every minute of your adventure. Every day I come around the corner from work and see your car in the driveway and I think, oh Shannon’s home, then I realize she’s in Ireland silly! I told dad this the other day and he said he has been doing the exact same thing! Miss your singing and all the other “Shannon-isms”. Miss you too, but so happy for you! Bammer says Meow:) talk to you soon, love ya!


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